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Description Lien
GS1/78L OIL Brochure
Fiche technique et informations Savoir Plus



  • Designed for the recovery of metal chips and shavings mixed with coolant. Can be used for both aqueous and synthetic based coolants
  • Monophasé : Moteur Bypass à 2 niveaux, à haut rendement
  • The float valve cuts-off the vacuum when the container is full
  • There are two filters installed upstream from the motor: a polyester filter cartridge (fastened underneath the powerhead) and a mesh filter (installed on the float assembly)
  • The 60 mm suction inlet allows for the recovery of both liquids and solids at the same time
  • Metal chips and shavings are collected in the removable sieve basket made of stainless steel. The chips/shavings are separated from the coolant as they pass through the sieve basket
  • Recovery capacity of the sieve basket is 30 Liters (8 gallons)
  • Cuve de récupération de 78L en acier inoxydable 430
  • Compact size: can be quickly moved near and around machinery to facilitate machinery maintenance and to minimize down time
  • Mounted on tilt cart for easy emptying
  • A drain valve is installed on the recovery tank for easy emptying of recovered liquids
  • Boyau transparent résistant à l'huile, et plusieurs types d'accessoires disponibles

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